Broadway Family Dental Center (Dr. Peter Lam)

Canada - BC - Vancouver Services - Dental or Medical
  28199 views       2021-04-05 18:23:18

Dr. Lam earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from the University of Toronto in 2007. He graduated with honours and also was the recipient of the Maxwell Rockman Award for excellence in radiology. For over 12 years now, Dr. Lam has been working hard to serve his hometown of Vancouver. Dr. Lam also enjoys working with children, and spent over ten years at a non-profit community dental clinic for kids. Dr. Lam also a member of several continuing education study groups and strives to be up-to-date on the latest in dental health, such as dental implants and Invisalign.

以上資訊由溫哥華卑詩街坊福利會提供~ 記得去MeWe 科勞返人地呀~~~~^_^

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Contact Method
Contact Phone Number 604-283-2216
Address 383 East Broadway Vancouver, BC V5T 1W6
Web Site http://broadwayfamilyd...
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